Sunday, December 29, 2019

How Technology Has Changed Our Lives - 1473 Words

Peter Rajnert Professor Rosalsky English 101 K July 28, 2015 Being Unplugged While electronics have been resourceful in today’s society, it brings us more questions than it does answers to our own behaviors. While exploring the web, playing a game, or working on important papers, machinery has become a staple in our lives, it brings to question how we interact with the rest of the world while we are separated from friends and the ones we love. We see disconnect from reality when technological advances are used to help cope with our everyday lives. While electronics and the advancement of technology brought increased communications those same advances have also created distance between one’s self and those with whom they would normally†¦show more content†¦Getting that text was like getting a hug† (â€Å"Connected†¦?†). While text at first might seem like nothing, it can be taken in different directions based on the ways we can perceive the text. As a matter of fact, we try to find our own identities when we use technol ogy. Moreover, Turkle states that, â€Å"What [excites] me most [is] the idea that we [can] use what we learned in the virtual world about ourselves, about our identity, to live better lives in the real world† (â€Å"Connected†¦?). So while we look around the internet for what we’re interested in, we find more of ourselves the more we traverse the World Wide Web. Although these are true, I believe that technology as a whole is making us more alone. Chatting online has no emotion when it comes to texting, text-only chat rooms. While I myself, a part time college student, have used many different variations of chat rooms. Each chatroom is used for games, favorite shows, or whatever you’re most interested in. I have learned over my five years of using chatrooms is that most of the time I feel like text is lacking one thing which is emotion. Whether it be a simple hello or â€Å"I love you† with emotes (A heart for example), I don’t view it the same as saying it in person. I view as bland emotionless words that without further explanation mean nothing to whoever is

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Design Thinking and Innovation at Apple - 1406 Words

Apple Case Assignment Abstract The purpose of this assignment is to access the â€Å"Apple way† and understand the source of their systematic innovation and the way to sustain it. The major source of innovation is design thinking, which is also discussed based on Apple case. Finally, Steve Jobs is compared to other major industry player, Bill Gates, in order to understand their major difference and compare their success stories. Is there a systematic approach to Innovation at Apple? How would you characterize it? List at least 3 examples from the case. 1. From the start Apple has been extremely systematic in its approach to innovation. Fine products do not materialize out of thin air; they are a direct result of creative thinking policies†¦show more content†¦This way it creates a series of products, each only slightly different from its predecessor, but still perceived as indispensible to the â€Å"hip† consumer. This segment remains excited to buy Apple products because they feed on curiosity, targeting buyers who crave something new, useful, and fashionable. Third, Steve Jobs is famous for its enthusiastic speeches and clear communication of his vision. His speeches and Apple commercials create an emotional connection with the audience through persuasive storytelling and mind-blowing visuals, which while not always showing the product, still make customers associate them with well-known creative individuals or outstanding experimenters and innovative products. The company builds a strong emotional connection with co ntemporary audiences that like to enjoy life, think differently and try new experiences. 3. Extra credit for 5%: Compare Steve Jobs as an innovation leader to other leaders in industry. On the surface the two greatest IT geniuses of our age have plenty in common. They were both college dropouts who went on to develop world-changing technologies and found multi-billiondollar companies as a result. They were both among the wealthiest individuals of the modern era. They were both innovators and could both been termed â€Å"revolutionary† in terms of their affect on society. They were both in committed relationships with strong families. And they both had a hand in bringing computers out of the punch-card ageShow MoreRelatedDesign, Thinking and Innovation at Apple1387 Words   |  6 Pages1. Executive Summary Apple as one of the most famous and successful corporations and brands in the world can attribute its past success to Steve Jobs and their employees. The whole organisation understands the companies (mainly Steve Jobs) vision and philosophy. In Apple, employees think that they can change the world and bring completely new values to the customers by design and innovation. They not only want to deliver these new values in a simple way, but also want to provide the customersRead MoreDesign Thinking and Innovation at Apple1398 Words   |  6 PagesApple Case Assignment Abstract The purpose of this assignment is to access the â€Å"Apple way† and understand the source of their systematic innovation and the way to sustain it. The major source of innovation is design thinking, which is also discussed based on Apple case. Finally, Steve Jobs is compared to other major industry player, Bill Gates, in order to understand their major difference and compare their success stories. Is there a systematic approach to Innovation at Apple? How would youRead MoreApple - Design Thinking and Innovation at Apple7835 Words   |  32 Pagesbeginnin ined in the U cial strength a the worst rec n and annua General Elec firms had larg ned to Apple, Jobs, after all as coming bac ore commitme nce being fou uter hardwa hone, and re els. Moreover ublishing bus r and its appl hs after launc one who used miliar object. So pple’s succes g. It came fro ire to develop c within the f dreams of mi its eyes on the s Apple ven etitors, the r any often def _______________ and independent r solely as the basis ineffectiveRead MoreDesign Thinking and Innovation at Apple1000 Words   |  4 PagesBACKGROUND: Apple has been a leader in innovation for years and has been able to achieve so by striving hard to deliver insanely great products with simplicity and sophistication. The constant need for innovation, development of unique product development strategies and their prompt execution, the presence of the visionary, Steve Jobs and their bold attitude at business experimentation formed the basis of principles at Apple. During mid-1970s, computers were mere automation devices and were notRead MoreApple s Design Thinking And Innovation At Apple906 Words   |  4 PagesKierson Wilfley October 29, 2014 BBUS 471 Apple Ideas Case 1. After reading Design Thinking and Innovation at Apple, it is quit obvious why Apple has been so successful. One reason is that they had great products and services to offer such as design thinking and clear development strategy. Their Design Thinking is what connected Apple’s designers and customers because of the emotion that was transferred. This was seen with the original Macintosh. Bill Atkinson said â€Å" . . . There was an emotionalRead MoreDesign Thinking1006 Words   |  5 Pagesreport---Design Thinking and Innovation at Apple Qi YU Q1. Why has Apple been so successful? What do you attribute it to? For several years, Apple has been ranked as the most innovative company in the world, but how it has achieved such success remains mysterious because of the company s obsession with secrecy. Now researchers and business men have found more about its success. According to the case, the main reasons are showed as following. Product: 1. Technology innovation ComputersRead MoreSteve Jobs s Uses Great Business Strategy Lead The Apple Company1247 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction: Many years ago people will think apple is a fruit. Nowadays, when people talking about Apple, we will think they are talking about Apple products. Apple Inc. is a famous company in creating new products and launching innovative technology. It leads the word to a new technology on many kinds of electronic products, and creates many kinds of products such as cell phone, portable computer, table computer, media player, and monitor. Apple during many times leadership change, they foundRead MoreEmpathy And Design Thinking Steve Jobs1544 Words   |  7 Pagessignificant characteristic of a design thinker and leads to ultimate success in the business environment. Empathy allows an entrepreneur such as Steve Jobs to gain an understanding of the human experience and develop Apple products that adhere to the desirability of customers. This human centred methodology and culture of innovation allows a design thinker to examine and understand perspectives of others both imaginatively and affecti vely. By utilising empathy in design thinking Steve Jobs was able to developRead MoreEssay about Apple Strategy1710 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿ Magical Apple Apple’s over-arching company strategy follows an innovative, mysterious and customer-centered strategy. One of the main reasons for Apple’s success has to do with their large commitment to satisfying customers while continuously innovating their products and design without creating a sense of â€Å"too much† or confusing their consumers through new operating systems. These goals, which create a unique and successful company, are achieved through the ways in which they use the fiveRead Moreâ€Å"anti-hierarchy† environment in an organization Essay969 Words   |  4 Pagesconfusion sets in different organizational units without proper management and direction of any creative thinking. Another way to encourage creative deviance is create a contemporary organizational design that inspires it. Team structure, boundaryless structure, matrix-project structure, and learning structure can promote the idea of â€Å"thinking outside the box† and innovate where innovation is not really expected. Such environments are highly flexible and responsive and strive best in less mechanistic

Friday, December 13, 2019

Female on International Assignments Free Essays

World is growing with lightening speed to become a global village, business horizons are widening their wings to take over every street of the world, no matter how different market style is, how different cultural barriers are. Different customs, norms, language, gender are crucial issues for any individual, team, or organization. We are focusing about women facing problems at international assignments. We will write a custom essay sample on Female on International Assignments or any similar topic only for you Order Now This for sure affects the success of women who work across borders. Gender perspective varies a lot across time, culture. There are some countries like Sweden with low gender discrimination and on other hand its Japan with very high gender discrimination. Different cultural environments, cultural beliefs, and attitudes significantly impact gender expectations and govern much of the interactions and interpretations that occur between men n women. It came to known by a survey that more women are sent to work on international assignments than men, but the question arises, aren’t the challenges faced by women the same as those for men†¦? Is working in Australia is same as working in India? The first problem faced by women on international assignment is the cultural difference. Where in male dominating business world n environment it’s hard for a lady to be acceptable as a decision maker. Clients will not do business with women in the way they would with a man. Especially in the Middle East countries where boys have to be boys and girls to be girls, one has got to play along with it. One have to be respectful in order to get their respect, and noting that women need to be â€Å"very mature† in their behavior. Women, who want to lead in business, have a family knot with them. The first question, an owner going to think prior to appointing an assignment, is she a lady with family, and the amount of travel she can carry along? Whereas men can easily be mobile for international assignments. It is as well a cultural attitude toward the role of women in child-rearing and family life which play a role in this shortfall. It is difficult for women to take expats routes than men but the paradox is that women have more of communication skills n qualities that companies require for today’s business world. In ancient societies men were a symbol of strength and protection, they used to go out either for hunting or for protection and keeping out the outsiders n women were used to trade and provide services. Now we are moving into a period where couples have to care for a wider range of things. Companies need a better understanding of relationships and wider management through teams rather than through dominant male hierarchies. Women care about relationships a lot more than men do, which makes them better at management because they are better at recognizing emotions, voracity and other people’s needs, which on average, makes women better at working in teams. But, on the other hand, it is generally more difficult for a female to sever the relationships she’s established and take-off for another country. Another issue for women is when the accompanying spouse is a man. On average the male is the person in the highest position in society and it gets much more difficult to get the guy to follow the woman as the trailing spouse. In many countries it is more difficult for female expats because they may have to accommodate their males’ egos. In male-dominated societies, the trailing male spouse does not want to feel inadequate. So what companies should do to help women carry their international path. First and foremost, they should find the person qualified to fit the clients’ needs and then HR ensures that qualified women are part of those short term assignment. Specially when a female employee is to send to the Middle East she has to be able to cope with the cultural complexity. Whereas, the younger women generation is much more capable than the fifty years old generation. We need to bring these women up; we have successful female role models, which helps bring about change. Women should get international assignments like any one else because it is a great way of developing as well as being essential for their careers. How to cite Female on International Assignments, Papers